(Constituted as per the directives of DTE)
1) Programmes and activities aimed at improving academic standards and achieving academic excellence
2) Evolving interdepartmental and inter- disciplinary educational programmes
3) To provide quality extracurricular activities of an educational social, cultural and recreational nature to the campus community.
4) To assist in the personal development of students, through both formal training sessions and daily interaction, in the areas of leadership, moral and value clarification, social responsibility, self realization and interpersonal cooperation.
- Renjith R, Lecturer Union Adviser
- Manikandan K, Trade Instructor Arts Adviser
- Shalu.M Tradesman in Tool and Die Sports Adviser
- Robin Luies Workshop instructor Staff Club Secretary
- Geetha K B, Lecturer Magazine Staff Editor
Students union member (2018-19)
- Arun.K.S Chairman
- Sandrarag C.M Vice Chairman
- Vishnu K.C Gen. Secretary
- Rufaidha Jasmin C Vice Chairman(Lady)
- Roshin N.S PUC
- Sheljin Joseph Magazine Editor
- SankarDas.K.R Arts club secretary
- Adharsh.P.S Gen Captian